21 Pool float storage ideas

Here’s a list of 21 Pool Float Storage Ideas to keep your pool area neat, organized, and stylish. Whether you have large inflatables, small floaties, or pool noodles, these creative storage solutions will help you maintain a clutter-free space.

1. Wall-Mounted Hooks for Easy Hanging

Install sturdy hooks on an exterior wall or fence to hang pool floats when not in use. This keeps them off the ground, allowing them to dry quickly while saving space.

2. PVC Pipe Float Rack

Build a simple DIY storage rack using PVC pipes. Create a custom design with horizontal slots for pool noodles and vertical spaces for larger floats.

3. Poolside Storage Bin with Drainage

Use a large outdoor storage bin with holes or mesh sides to allow airflow and prevent mildew. This works great for smaller floats and accessories.

4. Freestanding Metal Rack

Invest in a tall, freestanding metal rack with multiple levels to neatly store different types of pool floats. Opt for a rust-resistant option for outdoor durability.

5. Ceiling-Mounted Pulley System

Maximize space by installing a ceiling-mounted pulley system in your garage or pool house. Simply hoist the floats up and out of the way when they’re not in use.

6. Hanging Mesh Hammock

Attach a large mesh storage hammock between two posts, a fence, or a shed wall to store floats. This keeps them accessible while allowing them to dry properly.

7. Repurposed Garden Trellis

A wooden or metal garden trellis can double as a creative storage solution. Simply lean it against a wall and hang floats using S-hooks.

8. DIY Wooden Pallet Rack

Use an old wooden pallet turned on its side to create an easy, rustic float storage area. The slats provide natural slots for keeping floats upright.

9. Over-the-Fence Bungee Cord Holders

Secure a row of bungee cords between fence posts to create a quick-access storage system for pool floats. Just slip them in and pull them out as needed.

10. Outdoor Storage Bench with Hidden Compartment

Choose an outdoor bench with built-in storage space underneath. It provides seating while keeping pool accessories out of sight.

11. Large Plastic Laundry Basket

For an affordable and simple option, use a big laundry basket with holes for airflow. It’s portable and easy to move around.

12. Shed with Built-In Hanging Racks

If you have a pool house or shed, install a few heavy-duty hooks or racks inside to keep floats organized and protected from weather elements.

13. DIY Wooden Storage Box

Build a wooden storage box with a slatted design to allow airflow. Paint or stain it to match your poolside decor.

14. Mesh Hanging Organizer

Use an over-the-door mesh organizer or shoe holder with pockets to store small floats, goggles, and other pool accessories.

15. Industrial Pipe Floating Shelf

Install a floating shelf made of industrial pipes and wood to create a stylish and functional storage area for lightweight floats.

16. Rolling Storage Cart

A plastic or metal rolling cart with open sides makes an easy-to-move storage solution, perfect for organizing pool toys and small floats.

17. Mounted Bungee Cord Webbing

Create a wall-mounted bungee cord web to hold inflatables in place. This allows for flexible storage while keeping things tidy.

18. Hanging Rope Net

Secure a durable rope net between two trees or posts to hold lightweight floats and pool noodles while keeping them within reach.

19. Ladder Storage Rack

Repurpose an old ladder by leaning it against a wall and using the rungs to store floats. This adds a rustic, decorative touch to your poolside area.

20. Bike Rack for Pool Noodles

A standard bike rack works well for neatly organizing pool noodles, keeping them from getting tangled or scattered.

21. Under-Deck Storage Hooks

If you have a raised deck, install hooks underneath to hang pool floats out of sight while allowing them to dry properly.

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